Travel Louise Denton Travel Louise Denton

My favourite walks in the NT

Last year I spent a lot of time writing and photographing for my new book coming out in a few weeks. Discovering Natural Northern Territory is a 200 page guidebook focusing solely on the natural areas of the NT.

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Darwin and the Norther..., Travel Louise Denton Darwin and the Norther..., Travel Louise Denton

Jatbula Trail - Part 1

I’ve just returned from a hike in the Katherine region known as the Jatbula trail - a combined photo-trip/remote camping getaway! This walk is the first multi-day bush walk I’ve done in years and the first one my partner had ever done. The first thing I have to say about the Jatbula is that it was AWESOME! We loved it! The walk was really interesting and travelled through a variety of Top End habitats. Maybe we appreciated the varying landscape a little more than an interstate or overseas visitor, as we could really notice the smaller differences in the vegetation and the types of habitat as we were a little more familiar with the area.

We travelled through open woodlands on top of the escarpment, where we saw some amazing open views across hills, cliffs and buttes. There were monsoon pockets, bushfire-burnt regions, 2-metre high grasses, mushy marshy floodplains, amazing rock formations and colours, creek crossings and some of the best waterfalls I’ve seen in the Top End. We saw so many birds too (but thankfully only one snake and no face-to-face encounters with buffalo)!

For anyone considering walking the trail…

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Travel, Tutorials and Tips Louise Denton Travel, Tutorials and Tips Louise Denton

TIPS | Photographing Darwin's waterfalls | PART 1

The country surrounding Darwin has more than its fair share of waterfalls. Our landscape is patterned with rivers and rapids, gorges and escarpment. Our landscape goes through extreme seasonal changes: whilst our waterfalls are perfect for a refreshing dip in the dry season (as long as they are crocodile free, of course), they become a deathly torrent of raging flood waters in the wet season. Our waterfalls are some of our most loved attractions - loved by tourists and locals alike. So how do you go about photographing these natural wonders….

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Tutorials and Tips Louise Denton Tutorials and Tips Louise Denton

TIPS | Lightning Photography in Darwin

Over the last few weeks, I have lost count the amount of people that have asked me "how do you take photos of lightning?".... It is a hard question to answer! I think my questioners expect a quick one or two sentence answer.... but it's not that easy (as anyone who has tried, will know).

Sure there is "luck" - a lot of the time you have to be in the right place at the right time. Sometimes it just so happens that you have a camera with you when out and about, a storm hits, and you get that "lightning shot" - you've got that one shot, and people think it's easy to get lightning bolts in photos. The challenge is getting another one.....

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Uncategorized Louise Denton Uncategorized Louise Denton

Exciting new products!

I have been meaning to announce this for a while - but time kept getting away from me, and all of a sudden it's nearly time.... after ten months in the making!

My first Coffee Table Book is due to be released next week!!

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