Those that got away July & August 2013

June and July were pretty quiet months for me in terms of getting out and taking photos: not only am I very busy with the tourist season and making stock for markets, but we are also nearing the "biggest" part of our house renovations - the kitchen! We've been working hard to get ourselves a working kitchen, and we are still going..... the end is now in sight, so another few weeks and the house should be complete.

Because of that, it's been impossible to find time to get further afield for photo exploring (boo hoo). I've been staying fairly local. And unfortunately the sunsets in my opinion are a little more "uninspiring" at this time of year. The sun goes down, and that's that. Wet season is a million times better for sunset photography - every Darwin sunset in the wet season is different! Rain, cloud, red cloud, passing showers, blue clouds - fast clouds, slow clouds, fluffy clouds, smooth clouds....! I like clouds :)

But now.... Now things are improving! Even a couple of showers. Already!!

Anyway, because of my slow photo-taking around Darwin this last couple of months, I have grouped the July and August unseen photographs together. Trust me, as the storms build up and the skies get crazy, the tourists slow down and the lightning comes out.... I will be out at least once a day and there will be a lot of photos!!

Long after the sun disappeared below the horizon, Nightcliff Foreshore

A couple of sunset watchers relax with dinner, looking over Nightcliff Jetty

An evening sea kayaker at East Point

One lonely yacht against a smoky dry season sunset sky (Fannie Bay)

A couple of mangroves at Lameroo Beach, right in the Darwin CBD

An interesting looking tree, with a whistling kite, at Lee Point. I need to revisit this tree with an awesome sky and a low tide

Black and white, or colour? For the below:

Managed one short boat trip out to Corroboree Billabong this month. More a trip for the rellies though, than a photo outing. Found a few crocs though!

A recent sunrise - looking back toward Nightcliff Pool

Magnetic Termite mounds, against a charred backdrop - exploring the rural area!

The sunrises are starting to improve!!

One of my favourite trees, unfortunately on a bland background.....

One of my new favourite spots, I think! The following three photos are from Berry Springs, NT.

berry springs vertical copy berry sp copy berry sp roots2

Lemon Bellied Flycatcher

Vestey's Beach, sunset

These shots have not been published online anywhere else, so if you have any comments on any of the photos, please feel free to reply to my post below!

To see the other photos I upload regularly, find me on Facebook - "Louise Denton Photography"

If you make it to Darwin, NT, Australia, be sure to say g'day in my market stall at Mindil Beach Markets or Parap markets!

Have a great weekend. :)


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TIPS | Seeing Stars?