Those that got away... June 2013

Every month I want to start doing a blog post for the "unseen" photos I took that month. I take photos at least five days a week. In wet season, I usually go out everyday, sometimes twice a day! Although I am not as "trigger happy" as I used to be, I still end up with a LOT of photos. Each sunset shoot I probably come back with between 15 and 30 shots. On a longer trip I can take hundreds of shots.

I only usually post one photo a day to social media - Facebook, Flickr and G+  - I pick my favourite shot from the day to process and then share online. A lot of photos become archived, and forgotten about, all because there was one I liked slightly better. So I have a lot of photos that never see the light of day!

Each month, I want to make the effort to post the "runners up" of my photo outings. Other shots that I liked, but weren't the favourite of the day. These are shots not shared elsewhere, so if you have any thoughts/critiques/comments on any of the photos, please do leave a comment!

 A close up view of some of my favourite trees!

I don't do black and white too often, but this seemed to fit right :)

A shot from my first Photowalk, as the sun sets.

A very similar shot to another I took of Jim Jim Falls this visit. This one differs in it's wideness - this is four vertical shots stitched together to make the view of the gorge a bit wider.

Another shot of the supermoon setting on at sunrise, 24th June. Taken from East Point with the iconic Casuarina tree framing the moon

Close up of some (more) of our interesting rock formations in Nightcliff!

Nightcliff Rocks - a long expoure

Nightcliff Foreshore viewed across the cliff-tops (looking toward the pool)

This month has been very hectic with markets and making photos, but I am hoping to get out and around the area a little more over the next month or so!

Let me know what you think!

Lou :)


PHOTO ESSAY | One morning, at Fogg Dam


TIPS | Composition for landscape photography